Orthopedic conditions refer to injuries and disorders that impact the musculoskeletal system, comprising bones, tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissues. Such conditions affect people irrespective of age, with the younger population suffering the consequences of deteriorating health conditions. 

Diagnosing orthopedic injuries is crucial for better treatment outcomes, preventing the need for advanced and complicated procedures. If you’re experiencing discomfort or pain in areas like your back, knees, or neck, it’s essential to seek orthopedic consultation as soon as possible.

There are many ways to treat orthopedic conditions, including surgical and non-surgical ones. So, let’s discuss these treatments in detail below.

Non-Surgical Treatments

The orthopedic treatment plan is divided into two sections: surgical and non-surgical. Surgeries are often the ultimate treatment plan and are not used unless necessary. Depending on the patient’s condition, here are some of the non-surgical treatment plans that an orthopedic surgeon suggests-

The patient is advised to rest and limit the affected area movement for a few days. Applying an ice pack for at least 15-20 minutes twice daily is advisable. 

Compression is done by covering the area with a crape band. Finally, the patient should elevate the affected area by putting pillows or cushions under the feet.

If the muscles have developed stress or tension, the orthopedic doctor may advise exercise and physiotherapy. While performing the exercises, it is important to maintain the correct body posture. Besides, you might be asked to consult a physiotherapist for advanced therapies.

Some commonly recommended medications include analgesics, NSAIDs, and antibiotics. Analgesics help in relieving pain and muscle tension. NSAIDs are anti-inflammatory drugs that help in reducing swelling. Now, let’s discuss the surgical treatments and how they are performed in detail below.

Surgical Treatments

Surgeries are often the last resort and are considered when necessary. Here are some common surgeries performed by orthopedic surgeons-

Arthroscopy is a diagnostic technique surgeons use to check the joints’ internal structure. In this process, the surgeon inserts a small tube inside to analyze the joint mobility from the inside without making a large incision. This tube also has a connected torch and camera. 

Joint replacement surgery is also known as arthroplasty. In this type of surgery, the orthopedic surgeon often replaces the damaged part of the joint. 

It can be a partial or complete arthroplasty, depending on the extent of the damage. Finally, a metal, plastic, or ceramic prosthetic replaces the body part.

The fracture repair operation is done in cases of severe fractures. There are mainly two types of fracture repair surgeries: reduction and internal fixation. Orthopedic surgeons may also use screws, plates, and rods for complicated fractures, depending on the fracture type, to stabilize the bone and promote healing faster. 

The most frequent type of spinal surgery is performed to treat a condition known as disk herniation, commonly called a slipped disc. In this condition, the intervertebral disc, which acts as a cushion between the spinal bones, has shifted from its original position. 

Surgery is employed to reposition the affected disc back to its original location. Depending on the extent of the damage, the disc may also be surgically trimmed.

Treatment for Specific Orthopaedic Conditions

Here are some common treatment modalities –

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease characterized by joint inflammation. The initial treatment plan for osteoarthritis is weight loss, proper exercise, and ice packs. Additionally, dietary supplements, such as calcium and iron, are suggested, while analgesics and NSAIDs are suggested to reduce pain and inflammation. 

In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, the patient often complains of mild fever and pain in the minor joints. There is no permanent cure for this disease. However, managing this disease is essential to facilitate early diagnosis. 

Generally, steroids and corticosteroid medicines are prescribed to the patients. Prednisone is a commonly suggested drug that helps to reduce the inflammation of the joints.

The inflammation in the tendons is known as tendonitis. The most common reason for tendonitis is a sudden movement or jerk. It is often cured with home management. RICE is the most common and effective treatment modality.

The inflammation of the bursa near the joints is known as bursitis. There are mainly two types of bursitis: acute and chronic. The treatment and management of bursitis greatly depend on the type of bursitis. Common medications include anti-inflammatories and analgesics. Surgical drainage and removal of infected tissue are also removed in advanced conditions.

This syndrome (median nerve compression) is usually manageable at home with RICE and physical therapy. In advanced cases, cortisone injections are recommended. The doctors may also recommend a surgical approach depending on the patient’s clinical condition.

Rehabilitation and Post-Treatment Care

Aftercare is equally important as the treatment plan. It helps ensure that the condition doesn’t relapse and that bone and muscle formation occurs correctly. In the case of chronic conditions, rehabilitation helps slow down the disease’s effects by restricting its advancements. Thus, resulting in a better prognosis overall.

With the correct post-treatment care, it’s possible to reduce the recovery time of the disease. It helps the patient regain their feet and return to a normal routine faster.

Here are some tips to prevent future orthopedic conditions


There have been several advancements in orthopedic treatment planning. Some popular treatment plans include laser, radiation, and wax therapy. These modalities have proven to be highly beneficial to patients while being less invasive. 

In most orthopedic conditions, it is highly possible to avoid surgery if the diagnosis is made early. Thus, it is advisable to visit an orthopedic hospital as soon as the symptoms appear.