The shoulder joint is one of the most flexible joints of the human body. They help in performing several movements and play a major role in our day-to-day life. However, it becomes difficult to manage when they cause pain due to specific reasons. There are several causes of shoulder pain. However, shoulder pain treatment greatly depends on the cause and diagnosis. 

Understanding the Shoulder Pain Diagnosis

The shoulder pain diagnosis depends greatly on 3 important factors-location of pain, the time course of pain, and the type of pain. 

The shoulder comprises the joint, the bones, and muscles such as the subscapularis, rotator cuff, teres major and minor, etc., tendons and ligaments. Determining the exact location of the pain can help you decide which part of the shoulder is causing you pain; below are some common shoulder pains – 

  1. Arthritis
  2. Fracture
  3. Frozen shoulder
  4. Dislocation
  5. Infection 

There are mainly two types of pain, based on the duration – 

It is advisable to visit a doctor as early as possible if you experience extreme pain or discomfort in your shoulders for an efficient diagnosis. 

Effective Remedy Alternatives for Soothing Shoulder Pain

A doctor determines the treatment line and plan of action depending on the diagnosis and the intensity of the pain. Here are some of the common shoulder pain treatment methods that may also be used alongside one another- 

In case of severe infection in the shoulders, the patient tends to experience sharp and lancinating pain often. For most of the patients, there is often a history of fever, pain, redness, and swelling. Most of the time, patients also complain of discomfort or pain during any movement or while carrying out any activity. For such pains, doctors generally recommend antibiotics for dealing with the infection. This helps annihilate the cause of shoulder pain. The analgesics help in reducing pain and fever.

In case of muscle spasms and a frozen shoulder, there is always restriction in movement. Since the pain is dull and worsens only during extensive activities, most patients often try to deal with it at home. In most cases, this often causes the muscle to become more rigid and stiff over time. Visiting a physiotherapist is the right action to treat this type of shoulder pain. 

A physiotherapist is a trained expert and a doctor who helps you release the spasm with the right movements. They also instruct you and familiarize you with comprehending the right postures that can help you in the long run and help you relieve your pain. 

Steroid injections often contain a local anesthetic that can help relieve joint pain in the short term. This is one of the common treatment modalities recommended for extreme muscle spasms and long-term frozen shoulders. Such patients are often in a lot of pain due to extreme muscle rigidity, so physiotherapy is almost impossible. Thus, as local anesthetic experts help relieve the pain, the patient is asked to go for physiotherapy to bring the muscle back to its normal state. 

Surgery is an advanced treatment modality that is acquired only in extreme situations. Some of the common cases where surgery is recommended are subacromial decompression, complicated fractures, and dislocations. There are mainly two types of shoulder surgeries: open and closed. Depending on the requirement, a trained surgeon determines the right course of action. A common treatment for rheumatoid arthritis is the replacement of the shoulder with the help of surgery.

Radiations and magnetic waves are often known to help release pain in several cases of shoulder pain. Electric therapy is also favored sometimes. During these therapies, a therapist determines the right course of action depending on the intensity and type of pain. Ideally, physiotherapy is often accompanied by radiation therapy for faster resolutions.

Strategies for Effective Management of Shoulder Pain

The shoulder joint is one of the most used parts of the body in day-to-day activities. Identifying the cause of pain at an early stage can help in managing shoulder pain better. Some of the most common causes of shoulder pain are sudden movement or jerks and wrong sleeping postures. Here are some things that you must do at home for shoulder pain management– 

Sitting erect, with your back straight, is the right posture. In other words, the spine, neck, and back of the head must align in a straight line. This can help release some tension from your shoulders that were created due to the dropping of the shoulder blades. 

In case of minor pain, doing some stretching exercises can often help in releasing the pain from the muscle. As you stretch, the muscles undergo repeated contraction and elongation. This helps in boosting blood flow and oxygen. This, in turn, means that they get energized and achieve strength. Here are some simple exercises that you can try at home anytime-

  1. Stretching your hands upwards and sidewards
  2. Yoga
  3. Wall push-ups
  4. Hand rotations on either side

Using a hot and cold compress can help relieve spasms in your muscles, thereby reducing the level of pain. For a compress, use it for ten to fifteen minutes at a time. You can also use it in severe pain several times during the day. However, if the pain persists longer, you must visit a doctor. 


Identifying the cause of shoulder pain is the first step toward its treatment and management. Shoulder pain is a common phenomenon and can happen due to various reasons. Home management can help release muscle tension and get rid of shoulder pain. However, if the pain persists, one must visit a doctor at the earliest.