Arthritis and Shoulder Pain: Lifestyle Changes and Medical Treatments

Treatment for Shoulder Pain and Arthritis - RegenOrthoSport India

More than 350 million have arthritis and consult doctors for shoulder pain treatment. To put it in simple words, Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints. Pain and stiffness are brought on by chronic inflammation in joints such as the shoulder, knee, etc. What is shoulder arthritis? Inflammation in the shoulder joint is […]

Shoulder Pain: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management Strategies

Shoulder Pain - Diagnosis and Treatment - RegenOrthoSport India

The shoulder joint is one of the most flexible joints of the human body. They help in performing several movements and play a major role in our day-to-day life. However, it becomes difficult to manage when they cause pain due to specific reasons. There are several causes of shoulder pain. However, shoulder pain treatment greatly […]

Rotator Cuff Tears: Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder Pain

Stem cell therapy for shoulder pain

The human shoulder has a tremendous range of motion than any other joints in the body. The shoulder joint is the ball and socket joint that allows 360 degrees rotation. Also, it is one of the joints in the body that contributes to nearly 50% of the major joint dislocations in the body. It can […]