Stem Cell Therapy for TFCC Tear: Non-Surgical Treatment for Wrist Pain

stem cell therapy for TFCC tear

Hand and wrist injuries are the most common orthopedic problems that deviate a person’s concentration on doing their regular tasks. They cause tremendous pain and uneasiness that makes it difficult to move, lift, or carry any object with ease. Research says that hand and wrist injuries contribute to 25% of sports injuries. Triangular fibrocartilage complex […]

Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder Osteoarthritis: Alternative to Shoulder Replacement

Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder Osteoarthritis

Shoulder osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint condition that is characterized by wearing of the cartilage that covers the bones in the shoulder. The medical field has seen various advancements over the past decade. Regenerative treatments are one such orthopedic therapies that are gaining huge popularity in the current world. Stem cell therapy for shoulder osteoarthritis […]

Stem Cell Therapy For Torn Rotator Cuff: Alternative to Shoulder Surgery

Stem Cell Therapy For Torn Rotator Cuff

The human shoulder is a ball and socket joint that provides a tremendous range of motion in the upper extremities, i.e., the upper limbs. Due to the extreme movement of the shoulder in 360-degree, or any pressure on the shoulder joint can result in an injury. Shoulder injuries happen when the fibrous tissue that surrounds […]

Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder Labral Tear

Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder Labral Tear

Most of our everyday activities involve hand movements that result in the movement of our shoulders. Shoulder pain is one of the most common problems that can arise from various day-to-day activities that we perform. Some of the shoulder conditions are addressed by pain and anti-inflammatory medicines, while some chronic conditions require surgery. Stem cell […]